Level II - Okuden
Okuden is a Japanese word that means “hidden” or “inner teachings”. This level is suitable for anyone who has completed a Level I, Shoden class and is ready to gain a deeper knowledge and expand upon of the teachings of Mikao Usui.
A person who enrolls in an Okuden class has spent time practicing the techniques and meditations learned in Shoden. They have established a consistent self Reiki routine and have been exploring the Reiki Precepts more passionately.
“Everything in the Universe possess Reiki without exceptions. We humans hold the Great Reiki that fills the Great Universe. The higher we raise our vibration of our own being, the stronger the Reiki we have inside will be.”
Attending an Okuden class is more advanced training that will allow you to expand your personal connection to the energy of Reiki. During this one and a half days intensive training you will be introduced to the three universal Reiki symbols and their accompanying jumon. Jumon are vibrations or chants that deepen your connection to the symbols. The concept of Oneness will be introduced through the practice of “distance” Reiki. You will learn three more traditional Japanese techniques- Hatsurei Ho, a practice that will generate greater amounts of spiritual energy, and Byosen Reikan Ho and Reiji Ho, two techniques to use with hands on healing of others. More information about the healing of others will be presented for those interested in becoming Reiki practitioners. In addition, you will receive three attunements which will enhance your experience and connection to the Earth, Heaven, and Heart energies.
At the completion of class you will receive a certificate and a Okuden instruction manual. But Reiki is not about receiving certification. This class will give you the tools to deepen your own personal practice and connection to your indwelling knowledge that will help you to rediscover your True Self so that you can be of service to others.
To Be Announced